Digital Learning June Summer 2021 Update 6/14/21
Dear Parents,
We hope this communication finds you and your family off to a great summer break!
We need your help to assist the state in understanding those that still need the Internet in our community. Please help us by filling out a very short survey regarding your current Internet connection. The link to this survey can be found in the email sent to you by the North Penn School District on Monday, June 14, 2021 titled "Digital Learning June Summer 2021 Update". Your response could assist North Penn School District with grant funding for those in need. The survey closes on Tuesday June 15, 2021.
Other Items to Note:
Chromebook Repairs
During the summer months we will not be having our regular evening swap sessions. If you need a Chromebook repair, please email [email protected] and we will work out the best time to swap out a Chromebook. If needed, we can make an evening time available.
Charger Recall Reminder
If you have not done so already, please check the make and model of your child’s Chromebook charger. If your student has a Premium Power Product power supply/charger with model number #AD0481-2002250D and part number: AC045USBC (pictured on the right), we need to replace the power supply/cord as soon as possible and ask that you not use the charger. All other chargers are fine and do not need to be swapped. Swaps can be done upon request by emailing [email protected].
Technology Fee for 21-22
We are now collecting fees for the 21-22 school year. The early bird fee is $20 per student. This fee ends at 11:59 AM the day before school starts. The early bird cap is $80 per family. On the first day of school, the fee will go up to $30 with a cap of $120 per family. This fee covers accidental damage repair on all devices. It does not cover lost or stolen devices. If you have a financial hardship, you can apply for a waiver on our Digital Learning website.
All Chromebooks and Internet Hot Spots will stay active for use in the summer. Digital applications will be available as needed for our summer programs. At some point in July we will disable applications such as PearDeck and SeeSaw, to roll our data to the new school year. Updates regarding access will be posted on the NP Desktop.
In August, incoming Kindergarten students will have the ability to pick up their school issued Chromebooks. We will also establish Chromebook “swap” dates for Grades 10-12. Those students will be receiving new, digitized pen Chromebooks for the 21-22 school year. Specifics will follow in a future communication.
Thank you for all that you have done during this school year to assist your child in learning with technology!
Have a great summer!
Kristen Landis, PhD
Director of Technology
North Penn School District
Digital Learning Website