As we prepare to kick off the first day of the 2021-2022 school year, we want to share the excitement! That means photos and videos may be taken and shown on social media or print publications. If you do NOT want your child(ren) intentionally photographed or videoed for use in NPSD publications; North Penn Television programs; the NPSD social media pages such as Twitter, Facebook and the NPSD Mobile App; NPSD advertisements and on the district website, please complete a publicity refusal form here. A link to the form can be found in the original email sent by the North Penn School District on August 26, 2021. To view the form in another language, right click on the page, select translate and your desired language.
If you opted your child out of being photographed or videoed through Infinite Campus, you still need to complete the form above. There was an error with the Infinite Campus system and it was not able to record your indication of the publicity refusal. Therefore, if you want to opt your child(ren) out of being intentionally photographed (other than yearbook), recorded, etc. please complete the form above.
Thank you,