During this virtual time, if you are in need of extra assistance, please take advantage of your teacher's office hours.
Knight Time- We will have KnightTime everyday during the school year. KnightTime starts at 7:21 am and runs until 7:40 am. KnightTime offers students an opportunity to meet with a teacher for assistance during school hours. Students need to request a pass directly from the teacher. Knight
Lunch Math Support -Math help is available daily during All lunch periods (4-7) daily in room B129.
ADAPT- Is a peer tutoring program. Interested students can stop by room E126 during 8B & after school on Wednesdays. No appointment needed. Tutors are available from 1:38-3:15. Any questions see Mr. Miller.
***Students should make arrangements with their teacher(s) ahead of time if staying after school.
Late Buses are available on Wednesday (4:30). Students must bring a student ID to ride the late bus. Students must sign up in advance in order to take the late bus. Students can stop by their home office to sign up before 1:30. Any questions? Please see your home office.
Make Every Day Count!