Bibliography Help
Cite sources in
MLA or
APA format, take & organize notes
Log in with your npenn Google account
This is our
recommended citation-building tool!
NoodleBib / NoodleTools Express
A free, "lite" version of NoodleTools (no login)
Copy & paste your citations into a doc as you make them, because you can't save them in the site.
OWL - Online Writing Lab (Purdue Univ.) -
MLA format guide
Guidance & FAQs on
MLA format (not a citation-building tool like NoodleTools)
Use MLA format unless your teacher specified otherwise.
MLA Style Center
For paper format info
other than citation style (e.g., margins, headers, etc.)
APA Style (Not MLA!)
OWL - Online Writing Lab APA (Purdue) -
APA format guide
Guidance & FAQs on
APA format (not a citation-building tool like NoodleTools)
Only use APA format for
psychology & sociology classes @ NPHS.
American Psychological Association's APA Style site:
APA's "Greatest Hits" (NPHS Library)
Highlights of APA citation style (less comprehensive than the OWL site)