Bibliography Help

Bibliography Help

NoondleTools - works cited / references, note-taking NoodleTools
Cite sources in MLA or APA format, take & organize notes
Log in with your npenn Google account
This is our recommended citation-building tool!

NoodleBib Express - "lite" version of NoodleTools NoodleBib / NoodleTools Express
A free, "lite" version of NoodleTools (no login)
Copy & paste your citations into a doc as you make them, because you can't save them in the site.

OWL - Online Writing Lab, from Purdue University OWL - Online Writing Lab (Purdue Univ.) -MLA format guide
Guidance & FAQs on MLA format (not a citation-building tool like NoodleTools)
Use MLA format unless your teacher specified otherwise.

MLA Style Center - for format questions other than citation style MLA Style Center
For paper format info other than citation style (e.g., margins, headers, etc.)

APA Style (Not MLA!)


OWL - Online Writing Lab - APA style guide OWL - Online Writing Lab APA (Purdue) - APA format guide
Guidance & FAQs on APA format (not a citation-building tool like NoodleTools)
Only use APA format for psychology & sociology classes @ NPHS.
American Psychological Association's APA Style site:
APA style highlights APA's "Greatest Hits" (NPHS Library)
Highlights of APA citation style (less comprehensive than the OWL site)