Nurse and Health Suite Information

North Penn High School Health Suite Information

Staff Members

Laura Yaron RN CSN m.Ed

Phone 215-853-1335
Email: [email protected]
fax: 215-853-1210

Karen Skillman RN CSN m.Ed

Phone: 215-853-1336
Email: [email protected]
fax: 215-853-1210

Misheal Gayle RN, Staff Nurse

Phone: 215-853-1339
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 215-853-1210

Jennifer Oh, LPN, Staff Nurse

Phone:  215-853-1337
Fax: 215-853-1210

Christina Potts, RN, Staff Nurse
Phone:  215-853-1338

Fax: 215-853-1210

Donna Marino Health Suite Secretary

Phone 215-853-1334 Email: [email protected]
Fax: 215-853-1210

Health Suite Hours

North Penn High School Health Suite is open 7AM to 3PM. 

Health Information

Please let us know if your child has any change in their health status.
Please update the Emergency Information for your student in Infinite Campus

School Specific Information

Below you will find nurse and health suite information including health forms, immunization requirements, physical and dental examination information, and other important topics. Please scroll down to find this information.