NPSD Back to School Dates
20234-2025 School Year
7/1/24: School Supply Lists updated. School supply lists can be found on each individual school site.
7/30/24: NPSD Kindergarten Virtual Parent Meetings
8/6-8/15/24: Chromebook Pick up for New and Incoming Kindergarten Students
8/6-8/15/24: K-Day: Practice riding a school bus at North Penn HS:
August 6th, 2024 - Session 1 at 8:30 AM, Session 2 at 10 AM
August 8th, 2024 - Session 1 at 8:30 AM, Session 2 at 10 AM
August 13th, 2024- Session 1 at 8:30 AM, Session 2 at 10 AM
August 15th, 2024 - Session 1 at 8:30 AM, Session 2 at 10 AM
8/19-8/30/24: Begin receiving a hard copy of the NPSD school activities calendar & Back-to-School Newsletter in the mail. (Any family registered after 7/15/24 throughout the school year will receive their Activities Calendar & Back-to-School Newsletter at school on a weekly basis.
8/20/24: Middle and High School Schedules released on Infinite Campus 8:00 am
8/20/24: Elementary Homeroom and Schedules released on Infinite Campus Noon
8/20/24: Public and Non-Public Bus Schedules available through Infinite Campus
8/21/24: NPSD Extended School Care Virtual Parent Meeting 7:00 pm
8/27/24: Orientation Day for 7th Grade 8:05 am to 10:45 am - Transportation provided. Middle School Open House for students and families 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Orientation Day for 10th grade students 7:21 am to 11:30 am, transportation provided. Open house/Sophomore Picnic will begin at 5:30 pm.
8/28/24: First day of School - all students
8/28/24: Orientation Day for Kindergarten from 9:00 am to 10:30 am no transportation