School Nutrition Services Update 11/3/20

School Nutrition Services Update 11/3/20

Hello Families!

North Penn School Nutrition Services is pleased to serve all children 18 and younger free meals for the entire 2020-2021 school year! This school year, our Free for All program is federally funded from the United States Department of Agriculture, we encourage all families to participate. With continued support and participation, we will be able to sustain our program, continue to provide nutritious meals to the children in our community and keep our amazing staff in our kitchens. We hope you have been enjoying our meals-we have served over 550,000 meals since our emergency closure in March! Thank you to all those that participated and we look forward to serving you all year long.

We have updated our website to include more information regarding the meal programs we will be offering. We will be continuing our curbside distribution every week for any child(ren) 18 and younger. Additionally, with our hybrid students back in school, we are also offering free breakfast and lunch daily in school. No sign ups required!

Free Curbside Meal Pick-Up during Virtual Learning Information Page
Hybrid Student Meal Information Page

Curbside Meal Pick-Up Information

Curbside pick-up day and hours will be rain or shine on Tuesdays from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 4:30 to 6:30 pm*
*Holiday Schedule: We are closed on Tuesday, November 3. Instead, distribution will be Wednesday, November 4 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 4:30 to 6:30 pm.
Meals will be bundled in full week packs. Families only need to come to one of the above pickup times/locations per week to receive meals for all children.
Meals are all available for free to any child 18 and under. Child(ren) do not need to be present to receive meals.
Hybrid students are also allowed to pick up our meal bundles for days they will be virtually learning!

Curbside Pick-Up Locations

A.M Kulp Elementary
Bridle Path Elementary
General Nash Elementary
Gwyn Nor Elementary
Gwynedd Square Elementary
Hatfield Elementary
Inglewood Elementary
Montgomery Elementary
North Wales Elementary
Oak Park Elementary
Penndale Middle School (*Knapp students are encouraged to go here!)
Walton Farm Elementary
York Avenue Elementary

For general questions, please contact my administrative assistant Lisa Smolinsky at [email protected]. If you prefer to speak with a teammate, leave a message at 215-853-1081 and your call will be returned. To speak to me, Melissa Froehlich, Coordinator of School Nutrition Services, I can be reached at [email protected]. For more information about the department, please visit the School Nutrition Services website.

Thank you,
Melissa Froehlich, Coordinator of School Nutrition Services