In preparation for the 2022-2023 school year, the North Penn School District has released important back to school dates for students and families. The first day of school will be August 30, 2022.
July 25 - August 25: Chromebook pick-up for incoming kindergarten students
August 17 - August 28: Families will begin receiving a hard copy of the NPSD school activities calendar and back to school newsletter via mail
August 18: K-Day, 8:30 am and 10:00 am
August 22: Elementary teacher assignments released on Infinite Campus, 12:00 pm
August 22: Middle and high school schedules released on Infinite Campus, 12:00 pm
August 22: Public and Non-Public Bus Schedules available through Infinite Campus
August 22: NPSD Extended School Care Virtual Parent Meeting, 7:00 pm
August 25: First day for teachers
August 29: Orientation Day for kindergarten, 9:00-10:30 am
August 29: Orientation Day for 7th grade, 8:05-10:45 am
August 29: Middle school Open House for students and families, 5:00-7:00 pm
August 29: Orientation Day for 10th grade students, 7:21-11:30 am
August 30: First day of school, all students
In addition to these dates, school supply lists have been updated and can be found on each individual school site. The North Penn School District looks forward to welcoming back all students on August 30, 2022 for the first day of school. Start times for each school can be found here.