NPAGE Presents: Demystifying Testing
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
7PM-9PM at the Educational Services Center
4Sight, CDT, Dibels, GRADE, Keystone, MAP, PSSA, do these sound familiar? What are all of these tests our children are taking, why are they important and what do the scores mean?
Our featured presenter will be Dr. Diane Holben, Assistant Superintendent of North Penn School District. She will be joined by Donna Edmunds, School Psychologist, Mike McNerney, Gifted Elementary Teacher and Donna Mower, Gifted Secondary Teacher. Together they will demystify testing for you as you work toward becoming a more informed partner in education with your schools. This session will provide an overview of testing in the district from initial gifted evaluations through Keystone exams. Parents will be encouraged to follow up with specific school personnel to address individual questions and specific student scores.