Dear Families of Kindergarten through 2nd Grade Students,
The day has finally arrived! Tomorrow, North Penn School District students in grades kindergarten through 2nd grade will return to our schools in a hybrid in-person model. Whether you chose the hybrid model or your child will continue learning from home 100 percent of the time, this is an important day for all of us.
First, I want to thank our families for your patience and understanding since March. Every single one of you has taken on a new role as teacher assistant/technology expert during the shut down of schools. It has not been easy and your efforts are taken very seriously. I also know that your role will continue in these capacities until we can open schools fully to 100 percent in-person learning. Believe me, our goal is for this to happen sooner rather than later, and as safely as possible.
It was important for us to get our youngest learners back to school earlier than the rest of the school district, who will return November 9th. Your teachers are to be commended for being the “pioneers” as we enter a new way of teaching students at home and in school at the same time. There has been new technology to learn and instructional practices to adjust.
I have told staff that I do not expect perfection the first day back or even the 10th day back. There will be bumps in the road for sure for those learning from home and those in person. But I also know there will be great gains and improvements that will outweigh the challenges. I ask our parents and students to please head into this new way of learning with the same realization, yet hold us accountable to continuously move forward.
As a reminder, kindergarten through 2nd grade students in Hybrid 1 begin tomorrow 10/26, and Hybrid 2 return on Tuesday, 10/27. Here is the first week’s schedule:
Monday: H1 (regular school hours)
Tuesday: H2 (regular school hours)
Wednesday: H1 (regular school hours)
Thursday: H2 (2-hour previously planned early dismissal
Friday: H1 (regular school hours)
Beginning Friday, 11/6 every Friday will be a two-hour early dismissal to give teachers additional prep time.
View your school’s regular school hours
If your student will be riding a bus this week, please review the procedures while riding the bus by watching the video linked in the email sent by NPSD on 10/25/20.
Of course we want to celebrate Monday and Tuesday. We have created a printable sign commemorating your students’ big day and hope you will share pictures with us.
Visit our website to download your customizable sign and to learn how to share your photos with us.
I want to close by assuring you that the health and welfare of our students and staff is our number one priority. The school board approved
health and safety plan, direction from the Montgomery County Office of Public Health, and open communication with our community will at all times be at the forefront of my mind and all of us here at North Penn who serve our families.
I am so proud of how far we have come, working together and being North Penn Strong.
Curtis R. Dietrich, Ed.D.